The Great Hopewell Road: Ohio’s Ancient Superhighway

Alex Corpuz

Come visit the Cheers Chalet with the Fairfield County Heritage Association for an Ohio Humanities’ Speakers’ Bureau event with Brad Lepper! The Great Hopewell Road was a set of parallel earthen walls built by the Hopewell people who lived in Ohio circa A.D. 1-  400. They began at the monumental Newark Earthworks and ran southwest in a remarkably straight line. … Read More

Rebels in Corsets: The Embodied Rhetoric of the Women’s Suffrage Movement

Alex Corpuz

Come visit the Columbus chapter of the Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution for an Ohio Humanities Speakers’ Bureau event with Susan Trollinger! The story of the women’s suffrage movement is often told (even by US historians) as a peaceful transition by which white male politicians happily gave women the right to vote. This could not be further from the … Read More

The Newark Earthworks: One of the World’s Ancient Wonders

Alex Corpuz

Come visit the Rowfant Club for an Ohio Humanities’ Speakers’ Bureau event with Brad Lepper! The Newark Earthworks are the largest set of geometric enclosures and mounds in the world. The work of the Hopewell people who lived in Ohio circa A.D. 1-  400, these geometric earthworks covered nearly five square miles, using more than seven million cubic feet of … Read More